Spiritual maturity is not based on how much head knowledge you have, but on growing closer to Christ. The book of 2 Peter begins by revealing that everything is based on the promise that we have already been given all things that pertain to our life in this world, and our life of godliness. Maturity comes by learning how to descover from God’s promises, and receieve them by faith.

3 thoughts on “How We Mature in Christ – Lesson 14”
  1. I am confused about one thing in your teachings that I can’t find an answer to. I have asked the Lord for forgiveness and to come into my heart and into my life a few years ago and I have seen and experienced a slow transformation in my way of living and especially my way of thinking and I absolutely am a different person without a doubt. I have been a smoker for at least 25 yrs and it is an addiction that I can’t kick no matter what I try or do!! I have prayed and prayed about it, I feel guilty literally every single time I smoke a cigarette and it makes me feel like a complete failure. I can’t even bring myself to try to quit anymore because I can’t take the guilt and shame of another failure. I know I am forgiven of my sins and I want to walk in the spirit but how can I do that while I am still addicted to cigarettes?!! surely walking in the spirit doesn’t include walking with a cigarette in my hand. I just don’t understand this part. am I just supposed to keep smoking while I wait for the Lord to take my addiction away? this part of your teaching is missing in all of your books and I can’t move forward with this change until I understand this. Please please explain!!

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